Report a Bias Incident
Since 2000, Cornell University has had a program to track bias that is occurring on all campuses in an effort to be proactive in creating an inclusive climate for all. The Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity is responsible for collecting and tracking all reported bias activity that occurs at Cornell University that could potentially impact our commitment to diversity and inclusion, including all reports made by faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the Ithaca, Weill Cornell Medicine, and Cornell Tech campuses. If you have seen, heard, or experienced bias, you can make a report here:
Bias Incident Form
Ask for help if you need it
The Caring Community website will help you locate offices, services, and organizations in every corner of this campus to offer you assistance, support, connection, intervention, reporting, and advocacy.
For 24/7 confidential consultation with a health care provider or counselor, students may call Cornell Health at (607) 255-5155; faculty and staff may call the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program at (607) 255-2673.
You can always start with the Dean of Students at or (607) 255-1115 if you're unsure where to go.
These reporting avenues are for non-emergency incidents or concerns only. For emergencies, including safety concerns, call CU Police (607) 255-1111 or dial 911. For health concerns, call Cornell Health 24/7 at (607) 255-5155.