C. Lindsay Anderson Professor, Department Chair Biological and Environmental Engineering 316 Riley Robb Hall 607/255-4533 House Professor Dean, William Keeton House | Interim Director, Cornell Energy Systems Institute cla28@cornell.edu
Nikolaos Bouklas Associate Professor Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Upson Hall, Room 411 nb589@cornell.edu
Natalie Cápiro Assistant Professor Biological and Environmental Engineering natalie.capiro@cornell.edu
Mark Cruvellier Graduate Field Faculty Cornell AAP - Department of Architecture profile 340C E. Sibley Hall 607-255-9235mrc14@cornell.edu
Timur Kamil Dogan Assistant Professor Cornell AAP - Department of Architecture faculty profile 240B E. Sibley Hall 607/254-2332tkd9@cornell.edu
Natalie M. Mahowald Chair of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 2112 Snee Hall 607/255-5166 Irving Porter Church Professor in Engineering mahowald@cornell.edu
Atieh Moridi Assistant Professor Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Upson Hall, Room 469 Aref and Manon Lahham Faculty Fellow moridi@cornell.edu
Meredith Silberstein Associate Professor Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Kimball Hall, Room 281 607/255-5063 DGS for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics meredith.silberstein@cornell.edu
Vivek Srikrishnan Assistant Professor Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering Riley-Robb Hall vs498@cornell.edu
Scott Steinschneider Associate Professor Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering 320 Riley Robb Hall 607/255-2155ss3378@cornell.edu
Fengqi You Roxanne E. and Michael J. Zak Professor in Energy Systems Engineering Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 348 Olin Hall 607/255-1162fengqi.you@cornell.edu