Harry Eaton Stewart
Professor Stewart has been a full-time faculty member in the Geotechnical Engineering Group at Cornell since 1985. Prior to that he was a full-time faculty member at the University of South Carolina, and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts. His research efforts have focused on soil structure interaction, instrumentation of constructed facilities, soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, the cyclic behavior of soils under both laboratory and field conditions, blasting effects on structures, and railroad track performance. He has directed several research projects dealing with full-scale field testing of foundations and pipelines. He has been responsible for developing improved methods to analyze and design high pressure pipelines, and has assumed major responsibility for designing and constructing full-scale testing facilities for buried pipelines. Recently, he has been responsible for developing design recommendations for the support of shallow excavations for utility construction, the development of improved retain/replace methodologies for cast iron piping, and design approaches for thermal loadings on plastic piping for gas utilities. He has been a principal investigator on a wide variety of research contracts and grants, and is the author or co-author of over 100 technical papers and reports, and a principal author of professional manuals of practice for the American Petroleum Institute and American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association. Stewart currently is the Director of Civil Infrastructure Laboratories at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Large Scale Lifelines Testing Facility, part of the Georege E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES).
His memberships in honorary societies include Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and the Order of the Engineer. He was the recipient of the Society of American Military Engineers Scholarship, is cited in Outstanding Young Men of America, Who's Who in the East, and Who's Who in the World, and a recipient of the 2002 Trevithick Prize from the Institute of Civil Engineers, UK, and the NASA/JPL Rover Science Team Award. He has been the Chi Epsilon Professor of the Year in Cornell's School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Professor Stewart is a registered Professional Engineer in New York (inactive PE in South Carolina) and past president of the ASCE Midlands Branch, South Carolina.
Research Interests
Large-scale testing, instrumentation, pipelines, and pipeline rehabilitation.
Teaching Interests
Stewart's teaching has covered many areas of geotechnical engineering including soil dynamics, soil behavior, foundation engineering, laboratory testing, buried conduits, slope stability, and instrumentation.
Service Interests
1998-date CEE Safety Committee 1998-date Director, Civil Infrastructure Laboratories Committee 2000-date CEE Curriculum/ASPAC 2006-date College Grievance Committee 2009-date Graduate Application Representative for Geotechnical Engineering 2009-date College Policy Committee
Selected Publications
- Stewart, Harry Eaton, C. Pariya-Ekkasut, B. P. Wham, T. D. O'Rourke, T. K. Bond, C. Argyrou. 2016. "American Earthquake Joint System for Resistance to Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformation". 85.
- Wham, BP, T. D. O'Rourke, Harry Eaton Stewart, T. K. Bond. 2016. "Large-Scale Testing of JFE Steel Pipe Crossing Faults: Testing of SPF Wave Feature to Resist Fault Rupture". Contract report to JFE Engineering Corp.. 59.
- Argyrou, C., T K. Bond, C. Pariya-Ekkasut, T D. O'Rourke, Harry Eaton Stewart, B P. Wham. 2016. "Direct Tension and Split Basin Testing of 6-in. (150-mm)-Diameter Kubota Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe".
- Argyrou, C., T. K. Bond, C. Pariya-Ekkasut, T. D. O'Rourke, Harry Eaton Stewart, H. E. Stewart, B. P. Wham. 2016. "Hazard Geotechnical Engineering, Direct Tension and Split Basin Testing of 6-in. (150-mm)-Diameter Kubota Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe".
- Argyrou, C., T. K. Bond, C. Pariya-Ekkasut, T. D. O'Rourke, Harry Eaton Stewart, B. P. Wham. 2016. "Hazard Resilience Testing and Analyses of 4- to 16 in.- Diameter US Pipe Ductile Iron TR-XTREME, Pipe Joints".
Selected Awards and Honors
- NASA/JPL Rover Science Team Award 2010
- 2002 Trevithick Prize from the Institute of Civil Engineers, UK 2002
- Chi Epsilon Professor of the Year 1992
- Society of American Military Engineers Scholarship 1977
- Tau Beta Pi 1977
- BS (Chemistry), SUNY, College at Brockport, 1973
- BS (Civil Engineering), SUNY Buffalo, 1978
- MS (Civil Engineering), University of Massachusetts- Amherst, 1979
- Ph D (Civil Engineering), University of Massachusetts- Amherst, 1982