Linda K. Nozick
Dr. Linda Nozick is Professor and Director of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. She is a past Director of the College Program in Systems Engineering, a program she co-founded. She has been the recipient of several awards including a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Clinton for "the development of innovative solutions to problems associated with the transportation of hazardous waste." She has authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications, many focused on transportation, the movement of hazardous materials and the modeling of critical infrastructure systems. She has been an associate editor for Naval Research Logistics and a member of the editorial board of Transportation Research Part A. She has served on two National Academy Committees to advise the US Department of Energy on renewal of their infrastructure. During the 1998-1999 academic year she was a Visiting Associate Professor in the Operations Research Department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Dr. Nozick holds a B.S. in Systems Analysis and Engineering from the George Washington University and a M.S.E and Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.
Research Interests
Dr. Nozick's primary research interest is the development of mathematical models for use in the management of complex systems. She has particular interest in systems that can be represented mathematically as networks, including transportation and logistics systems, civil infrastructure networks and project networks.
- Algorithms
- Complex Systems, Network Science and Computation
- Natural Hazards
- Energy and the Environment
- Data Mining
- Scientific Computing
- Statistics and Machine Learning
- Systems and Networking
- Transportation
- Transportation Systems Engineering
Teaching Interests
Network modeling for transportation planning.
Service Interests
I serve on the Strategic Oversight Committee for the College of Engineering. I am the mission area coordinator for the Engineering Systems and Management area of CEE and I am chairing the Strategic Planning Committee for the Master of Engineering Program.
Selected Publications
- Romero, N., L K. Nozick, I. Dobson, N. Xu, D A Jones. 2015. "Seismic Retrofit for Electric Power Systems." Earthquake Spectra 31 (2): 1157-1176.
- Gao, Y., L K. Nozick, J. Kruse, R Davidson. 2015. "Modeling Competition in a Market for Natural Catastrophe Insurance." Journal of Insurance Issues.
- Manzour, S., R. Davidson, N. Horspool, L K Nozick. 2015. "Seismic Hazard Analysis for Spatially Distributed Infrastructure: A Case Study for Christchurch, New Zealand." Earthquake Spectra.
- Xu, K., R. Davidson, Linda K. Nozick, Wactendorf, S. DeYoung. 2015. "Hurricane Evacuation Demand Models with a Focus on Use for Prediction in Future Events." Transportation Research Part A.
- Romero, N., Linda K. Nozick, N. Xu. 2015. "Hazmat Facility Location and Routing Analysis with Explicit Consideration of Equity Using the Gini Coefficient." Transportation Research Part E.
Selected Awards and Honors
- The Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (serving currently) (Appointed by President Obama) 2011
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) (President of the United States and the National Science Foundation) 1997
- CAREER Award (National Science Foundation) 1997
- "Optimizing the Selection of Scenarios for Loss Estimation in Tranportation Networks" co-authored with Brown, Gearhart, Romero, Jones, and Xu nominated for Best Paper (Winter Simulation Conference) 2012
- Recognition Award from Sandia National Laboratories for the optimization model in the Integrated Budget Tool for Complex Wide Budget Optimization (Sandia National Labs) 2009
- BS (Systems Analysis and Engineering), George Washington University, 1989
- MS (Systems Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 1990
- Ph D (Systems Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 1992