Civil Engineering Major
The field of civil and environmental engineering is a people-serving profession.
As civilization becomes more complex, the field of civil and environmental engineering becomes more interdisciplinary and practitioners need to know about more than just fundamental design and construction principles.
Yes, civil and environmental engineers still build things - buildings, bridges and space stations, water purification and distribution systems, highways, tunnels, airports, rapid transit systems, dams and electrical generating stations, and other constructed facilities. But they also analyze land, water, air, and pollution problems; they participate in city planning; they use sensors and satellites to gather data to inform the solutions they design; and they make civilization possible.
A personal reward for civil and environmental engineers is the satisfaction gained from creating enduring systems and constructed facilities that provide communities with places to live, work, and play. As a profession, civil and environmental engineers must help meet the basic needs of society through economical, safe, aesthetically appealing, sustainable and environmentally sound solutions.
Cornell’s undergraduate program in civil engineering delivers the skills required to make sound decisions and have an impact on the world. Many of our civil engineering graduates go on to take leadership positions in established companies, or start their own. At Cornell, we are educating some of the top engineers in the country, and teaching our students how to use their intellect to participate in the business arena.
Students in the undergraduate program have the opportunity to specialize in one or more areas including Civil Infrastructure, Smart Cities, Fluid Mechanics/Hydrology/Water Resources Infrastructure, Transportation, or they may plan a more general civil engineering curriculum.
CEE also offers a distinct major in Environmental Engineering. In addition, students in CEE can earn a minor in Engineering Management. The coursework required for the minor aligns well with other required courses in CEE and will prepare students for leadership and management positions upon graduation. Students have ample opportunity to participate in community activities by joining our student organizations.
Interested in affiliating with CEE?
Nicholas Wagner
CEE Undergraduate Coordinator
Hollister Hall,
Room 221
Email: nw346@cornell.edu
Schedule a meeting with Nicholas here.

I was invited to visit Cornell through the Diversity Hosting Weekend during my senior year of high school. This experience was the defining factor that led me to choose Cornell. I was amazed by the beauty of campus (granted I visited in October, well before the snow takes over most of campus). However, what really blew me away were the people. I had never been surrounded by so many brilliant minds before, many of which I am grateful to now call my friends.